Pick of Destiny

I really love the music featured in the Tenacious D movie "Pick of Destiny". Unfortunately the movie did poorly in the movie theaters. That does not stop me from watching it again and again.

You have to love the Master Exploder song performance. The band gets introduced as the best band ever. Jack Black has such a powerful voice he blows a guy's brains out, literally.

Just when you think the music could not be topped, they finish up with Beelzeboss. You know you are in for a treat when Tenacious D takes on Satan. They fight him with tight lyrics and a mysterious force called their Rocket Sauce. Any ideas where I can get me some of that?


One of the first songs I heard by Tenacious D remains one of my favorites. Of course this is Tribute. The schtick is actually quite smart. They play a tribute to the best song in the world.

Of course the best song in the world was a song by Tenacious D. They can't remember the darn thing. It is something otherworldly. Their tribute song "didn't actually sound anything like" the best song in the world.

A recurring theme in many of their songs, including Tribute, it one of battle with a devil. Hey. That makes for a good video. Right?

We Are The D

A long time ago I used to watch this rare show. It was on MTV or HBO late at night. There were not many episodes. This was my introduction to Tenacious D.

They played their songs in the show. It was usually a casual setting in front of a small crowd. Yeah the crowd was probably made up of actors and extras.

Tenacious D had a raw quality about them. I liked that. They songs seemed good too. I had never heard them on the radio. This was the start of something very good. It was the D. Tenacious D.